JSL Property Services

Live Site: jslgroup.com.au

Web Development Case Study

The Brief

An established but growing law firm approached us about designing and building a new website to represent their growing service offerings and expanding locations across Sydney. Their previous website was just a single page that wasn’t doing much justice to the quality of services they provided.

The Solution

Alongside keyword research and a URL site architecture service, we used our custom lightweight WordPress theme to build the website and deploy the content across a logical category structure for their core services, as well launching local landing pages for each of their target locations.

The Results

As always, our goals for web development are guided by GTmetrix’s performance reports, and Google’s Core Web Vitals algorithms.

Screenshot of a performance report for https://jsgroup.com.au/, showing a 100% score in performance and structure. Web Vitals show LCP of 408ms, TBT of 7ms, and CLS of 0.01.


Building a website properly from day one saves a lot of time and energy further down the line. It’s much more efficient to do it well from the start rather than retrospectively improving a site’s technology after a period. We encourage all startups to think about this when launching their first website.