Mona Vale Music

Live Site:

Web Development Case Study

The Brief

As well as building for our new designs, a primary development objective was to improve their website’s technical performance, particularly in terms of page speed and adherence to Google’s Core Web Vitals specifications.

The Solution

Using the client’s Lightspeed CMS, the primary goal of the development project was to optimise Mona Vale Music’s website for improved page speed and performance while enhancing the site’s navigational structure by implementing a mega menu, allowing visitors to easily access different product categories. Additionally, we restructured the homepage layout to showcase a larger selection of products.

The Solution

A. Mega Menu Implementation

We integrated a new mega menu into the existing Lightspeed CMS. This allowed for a more comprehensive and organised navigation system, making it easier for users to explore and access different product categories directly from the menu.

B. Homepage Restructuring

We redesigned the homepage to accommodate a greater number of products and product categories. By leveraging the capabilities of Lightspeed, we optimised the product listing and showcased various product categories, enabling visitors to quickly browse and discover new items.

C. Page Speed Optimisation

To ensure great scores on Google’s Page Speed and Core Web Vitals metrics, we implemented several optimisations, including:

a. Image Optimisation

We compressed and resized images without compromising quality, reducing file sizes and improving loading times.

b. Code Minification:

We compressed and resized images without compromising quality, reducing file sizes and improving loading times.

c. Image Optimisation

We compressed and resized images without compromising quality, reducing file sizes and improving loading times.

d. Testing and Optimisation

We thoroughly tested the website's performance across multiple devices and browsers, analysing the results using various tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix. Based on the test results, we made iterative optimisations to fine-tune the website's performance, ensuring it met the desired Page Speed and Core Web Vitals specifications.

The Results

The website development project resulted in significant improvements in user experience and overall performance. The implementation of the mega menu enhanced navigation, making it easier for users to find and explore different product categories. The homepage restructuring increased product visibility, allowing visitors to discover a broader range of items directly from the homepage.

By optimising the website’s performance, the Mona Vale Music website achieved exceptional scores on Page Speed and Google’s Core Web Vitals specifications. This not only contributed to an enhanced user experience but also positively impacted search engine rankings and organic traffic.

Screenshot of Core Web Vitals assessment displaying metrics: Largest Contentful Paint 2.5s, First Input Delay 12ms, Cumulative Layout Shift 0, First Contentful Paint 1.6s, Interaction to Next Paint 94ms, Time to First Byte 1.3s.


Through diligent optimisation efforts, we ensured exceptional page speed performance and adherence to Google’s Core Web Vitals specifications. The project’s success resulted in an improved user experience and had a positive impact on Mona Vale Music’s online presence.