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Logo with three stylized bamboo stalks and a small leaf to the left of the word "bamboo" written in lowercase letters.

Quick Non-branded Wins

Search Engine Optimisation Case Study


Non-branded Clicks


Non-Branded Impressions


YoY Keywords on Page One

The Brief

Our brief was to improve the visibility on Google of an innovative micro-investing app. The website was well-trafficked through branded terms, owing to its popularity and strong growth trajectory in Australia and the US. They wanted to broaden their reach and attract new customers who likely search for non-branded keywords on Google.

The Solution

The solution was to fully understand this market ourselves and identify the right keywords and place the client’s website in front of an audience that wasn’t specifically searching for Bamboo.

People that search Google using a relevant and qualified keywords, but don’t include a brand name, are potential customers. This is what SEO aims to do as a whole: generate traffic from these keywords and attract more customers.

The Results

Non-Branded Clicks Source: Google Analytics

  • Non-Branded Clicks
  • Non-Branded Clicks (previous year)
Sep 2021 23
Oct 2021 57
Nov 2021 99
Dec 2021 76
Jan 2022 53
Feb 2022 45
Mar 2022 49
Apr 2022 74
May 2022 101 15
Jun 2022 98 25
Jul 2022 172 20
Aug 2022 207 22

In August 2022, the site earned 185 more clicks from non-branded traffic than it did in August 2021. This is the result after 8 months. In SEO, this isn’t a long period of time, and Bamboo’s successes on search have only just begun.

Non-branded Impressions Source: Google Search Console

  • Non-Branded Impressions
  • Non-Branded Impressions (previous year)
Sep 2021 10K
Oct 2021 10.5K
Nov 2021 11.7K
Dec 2021 9.6K
Jan 2022 10.3K
Feb 2022 12.8K
Mar 2022 25.8K
Apr 2022 32.6K
May 2022 38.4K 7.2K
Jun 2022 79.1K 9.1K
Jul 2022 93.4K 12.2K
Aug 2022 89.8K 10.6K

Each of these ‘impressions’ is a user of Google seeing our client’s result. Branded impressions contain our client’s company name; that is to say that the searcher already knows they exist. Every ‘non-branded’ impression is a potential new customer.

Keywords Source: SEM Rush

  • Total Keyword Rankings
  • Page 1 Keywords
Aug 2021 12
Sep 2021 43
Oct 2021 38
Nov 2021 47
Dec 2021 78 1
Jan 2022 96 6
Feb 2022 104 12
Mar 2022 137 19
Apr 2022 116 16
May 2022 127 25
Jun 2022 198 27
Jul 2022 311 30
Aug 2022 410 39

The goal of any SEO campaign is to place our clients’ web pages in the top 3 positions of Google. This is where the majority of clicks occur. Rankings in positions 4-10 are an excellent indicator of how much Google values the website, and we’d be pushing hard to further elevate these terms.


Google loves brands. Much of SEO is about solifying a brand’s position as an authoritatiy within its niche, whether that’s for products, services, or information. Bamboo has this authority in abundance which gave our SEO strategy an excellent foundation to build upon. The skill is to accurately research what their customers are searching for, and merge that intent with how the team at Bamboo wants to describe its products.

If your own brand is well-established but you’ve yet to do SEO, it’s likely we could do the same for you. It’s where quick-wins can be realistically be spoken about as a short-term goal, even if your industry is very competitive.